The darkest day of the winter is over, over a month ago. However, it’s been quite dark lately even if the spring is supposed to approach (wishful thinking!). That’s because there’s been no snow.
On the New Year’s Eve, I surprised friends and relatives with a message indicating there’s snow on the island. No surprise really unless you know there wasn’t any snow on the mainland Finland . Well that’s quite rare; usually it’s the other way around: the sea keeping the islands that little bit warmer so the real winter comes later here than on the mainland.
Blame it on the climate change, blame it on the ghosts of the bygone sailors, this time it was the wrong way for the snow. Nothing wrong with that really. It was pretty.
Since the New Year it’s been warm again. A week ago I was planting hellebores and nearly got stuck in mud. Honeysuckle is producing flower buds and sticking out new leaves. This resembles England . Blame it on the Brits (I would have blamed had I gotten stuck in the mud)!
This is my neighbour’s house by the way, in the picture. Mine is a lot less well groomed, yet. I’ll put a picture of it in as soon as it’s presentable. Nice view from the garden, though.
Kun on lunta
Uutenavuotena säiden velhot yllättivät saariston asukkaat ohuella lumikuorrutuksella. Tällaisia uudenvuodentervehdyksiä saattoi lähettää ystäville tihkusateeseen mantereelle! Jopa oli harvinaista.
Silti, vähän talvi vain kesti. Viikko sitten istutin jouluruusuja. Aika hullua, tiedetään.
Missään ei ole järkeä, paitsi ehkä puutarhanhoidossa, eikä oikein siinäkään (kiinalainen viisaus nykykielellä).